Bodybuilding Supplements for Beginners

Published on 15 June 2023 at 17:13

Key Takeaway: (Continue Reading the rest of the article for much more detail!)

  • Arginine can improve blood flow, increase exercise capacity, and support muscle growth. Recommended dosage is 2-5 grams per day.
  • Creatine can increase muscle strength, power, and size, as well as improve exercise performance. Recommended dosage is 3-5 grams per day.
  • HMB can reduce muscle breakdown and support muscle recovery and growth. Recommended dosage is 3 grams per day.
  • Whey protein can provide high-quality protein for muscle building, reduce muscle soreness, and improve recovery. Recommended dosage is 20-30 grams per serving.
  • Glutamine can support muscle recovery and immune system function. Recommended dosage is 5-10 grams per day.
  • A multivitamin can provide essential vitamins and minerals for overall health and fill in nutrient gaps from dietary deficiencies. Recommended dosage varies depending on the specific product.
  • Fish oil can reduce inflammation, improve joint health, and support cardiovascular health. Recommended dosage is 1-2 grams per day.
  • The Old-Timer Stack, which includes creatine, beta-alanine, and L-carnitine, can enhance muscle growth, endurance, and recovery. Recommended dosage depends on the specific product.



As someone who's just getting started with bodybuilding, I've been hearing a lot about Arginine as one of the most popular supplements for maximizing muscle growth. So, what exactly is this supplement and what kind of benefits can it offer me? That's exactly what I'll be exploring in this part of the article. We’ll start by looking at what Arginine is and how it works in the body, before diving into the various benefits that it can provide for those who are looking to build muscle. Finally, I'll touch upon the recommended dosage for optimal results. Let's get started!

What is arginine?

Arginine is an amino acid that the body produces naturally. It is also present in some food sources like poultry, fish, and dairy products. Its primary function is to help the body build protein; however, it has a more specific role in producing nitric oxide, which helps blood vessels relax and improve circulation. What is arginine? Simply put, it is a type of organic compound that provides several health benefits.

Continuing with the understanding of what arginine is, research indicates that it can help improve exercise performance by increasing blood flow to muscles and reducing muscle fatigue. Moreover, incorporating arginine supplements into one's diet might boost immune function and lower inflammation levels in the body. Another unique aspect of this amino acid is its ability to enhance wound healing by promoting collagen production.

As we have seen from the previous two paragraphs' information on arginine and its various functions, there are other essential amino acids and compounds required for optimal health. People who work out frequently often look for supplements to enhance their athletic performance as well as general well-being. However, finding the right supplement can be challenging with so many options available on the market.

Historically speaking, dietary supplements have existed since 1926 when Albion Laboratories introduced vitamins and minerals in a powdered form that people could consume quickly. Over time more dietary supplements emerged into the marketplace such as protein powders and pre-workout concoctions; athletes began using these more frequently to boost their training programs' effectiveness.

Time to boost your muscle gains with arginine - the amino acid powerhouse that fuels your performance!

Benefits of using arginine

Arginine is an essential amino acid with numerous benefits that aid in bodybuilding. Its intake leads to increased blood flow, production of nitric oxide which enhances cardiovascular health and muscle growth. It also reduces inflammation, helps in cellular repair, and improves overall endurance levels.

  • Effective at reducing soreness and fatigue after a workout.
  • Enhances metabolism leading to better weight loss results.
  • Promotes collagen synthesis aiding in stronger connective tissues.
  • Works as an excellent protein-building block for tissue growth.
  • Aids in balancing hormones by regulating insulin and increasing testosterone levels.
  • Mitigates the effects of age-related diseases such as diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, etc.

In addition to these benefits of using arginine, it is also an effective supplement for those looking to improve their mental acuity. Consuming this amino acid enhances cognitive function and speeds up recovery times after injury or surgery.

To make the most out of using arginine supplements, it is important to consume recommended dosages properly, along with other dietary components like healthy fats, multivitamins that amplify its benefits. Staying consistent comes handy when looking for maximum gains.
Taking the right dosage of arginine can give you a pump that'll make Arnold himself jealous.

Recommended dosage of arginine

For arginine supplements, the recommended dosage ranges from 2-18 grams per day. However, the exact amount depends on several factors like age, sex, weight, and activity level. According to research studies, a dosage of 5-9 grams per day for short-term use may be safe and effective for improving exercise performance. For long-term use, a lower dose of 2-3 grams per day can also show positive results. It is essential to consult a healthcare professional before starting any supplements and to adhere to recommended dosage guidelines.

It is crucial to follow the recommended dosage of arginine as excessive intake can cause side effects like gastrointestinal issues, allergies, and hypotension. Moreover, it can interact with certain medications like blood thinners and diabetes drugs leading to adverse effects. Researchers also suggest that higher doses of arginine are not necessarily more effective in enhancing exercise performance or muscle growth.

Studies have shown mixed results about the efficacy of arginine in improving exercise performance and muscle strength. However, it has demonstrated potential in accelerating wound healing and treating conditions like hypertension and erectile dysfunction.

In one clinical study conducted in 2014 about arginine supplements' efficacy on high-intensity exercise performance, participants taking a daily dose of 5 grams showed significant improvements compared to placebo groups.

Therefore, it is vital to adhere meticulously to recommended dosages for safe usage of arginine supplements' potential benefits without exposing oneself to risks or side effects. Looking to bulk up? Creatine might just be the supplement for you, but be sure to stick to the recommended dosage or risk exploding like the Hulk.


I was a beginner in bodybuilding and like most beginners, I was quite overwhelmed with the vast array of supplements available at my gym. When I consulted with my trainer, he recommended that I start with creatine. Curious about its benefits, I did some research and here’s what I found.

  1. Firstly, I learned what creatine is and how it works in the body.
  2. Then, I learned about the benefits that come with its use, including increased strength and endurance.
  3. Lastly, I learned about the recommended dosage for a beginner like myself.

Let me break down each of these points for you.

What is creatine?

Within the world of bodybuilding and fitness, creatine is a popular supplement that provides numerous benefits for those who take it. Creatine is a naturally occurring compound within the body that plays an important role in energy production during exercise. By taking creatine supplements, individuals can increase their stores of this compound and subsequently improve their athletic performance.

Creatine supplements come in various forms, such as powders, capsules, and liquids. They are typically used by athletes and bodybuilders to increase their strength, power, and endurance during training sessions. Furthermore, creatine is also believed to aid in muscle recovery after intense workouts.

In addition to its performance-enhancing benefits, creatine has also been shown to have other potential health benefits. For example, it may help improve cognitive function and neurological health.

While recommended dosages vary based on individual factors such as age, sex, weight and overall health status; typical doses range from 5-10 grams per day for most people.

One study found that creatine supplementation could increase lean body mass by an average of 2 kg after several weeks of use in a group of trained male individuals. However, it should be noted that not all studies have shown consistent positive effects from creatine supplementation.

Overall, while research on the efficacy of creatine as a supplement is still ongoing, the evidence supports its use for enhancing athletic performance and improving overall health and well-being in certain individuals.
Get ripped without getting ripped off- creatine can boost muscle mass and increase performance, making your gains worth the pain.

Benefits of using creatine

Creatine supplementation is an effective approach for enhancing exercise performance and muscle growth.

  • Improves anaerobic activity - Creatine enhances physical performance during short, intense bursts of exercise by increasing the body's ability to produce energy rapidly.
  • Increases strength and power - Consuming creatine leads to improved muscular strength and power, which also helps reduce fatigue during high-intensity workouts.
  • Promotes muscle growth - Taking creatine increases muscle mass and improves lean body mass ratio over time.
  • Helps recover from exercise - Creatine helps improve recovery rates following intense exercise, allowing athletes to train harder with less pain or injury risks associated with poor recovery times.
  • Burns fat - Creatine enhances metabolic rate which leads to improved fat oxidation and body composition changes that aid in weight loss efforts while maintaining optimal health.

It's essential to note that individuals may respond differently to various dosage levels based on their needs, fitness levels, goals as well as pre-existing medical conditions. Future research should strive to determine appropriate doses of creatine from cutting-edge sources.

To achieve maximal benefits from using creatine supplements, pills or powders, ensure that you follow the recommended dosage guidelines closely without exceeding them.

Get swole without risking your kidneys by following the recommended dosage of creatine.

Recommended dosage of creatine

For optimal results, it is essential to consume the recommended dosage of creatine. The recommended dosage for adults is 3-5 grams per day, preferably divided into two servings of 1.5-2.5 grams each. This dosage can be taken both on training and non-training days.

It's best to start with a smaller dose (around 2-3 grams) for the first five days, followed by maintenance dosages in the range of 3-5 grams per day. It's important to consume creatine with sufficient fluid intake and alongside a balanced diet.

In addition to the recommended dosage, it's essential to note that long-term use of high doses (>10 g/day) may cause side effects such as stomach issues, digestive problems, or muscle cramps.

Pro Tip: Creatine is not a magic bullet for muscle building but can enhance athletic performance. To reap its benefits, it is important to maintain consistency in your supplement regimen and combine it with regular exercise and a balanced diet.

Need some muscle gains? HMB might just be the (H)oly (M)uscle (B)uilding supplement you've been looking for!


As a beginner in the world of bodybuilding, I've often heard about the remarkable benefits of HMB, a popular muscle-building supplement. In this segment, I'll guide you through the basics of HMB, how it works, and how it can benefit you as a new bodybuilder. We'll discuss the science behind HMB, including its muscle-preserving properties that can help beginners build muscle more effectively. Furthermore, we'll delve into the benefits of incorporating HMB into your routine, and how to determine your ideal dosage for optimal performance.

What is HMB?

HMB is a supplement that helps with muscle recovery and growth. It stands for Beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate, which is a byproduct of the amino acid leucine. HMB works by reducing muscle protein breakdown and increasing muscle protein synthesis. This leads to enhanced muscle growth and strength gains. In addition, HMB has been shown to improve endurance performance and reduce muscle damage caused by exercise.

One key benefit of HMB is that it can help prevent muscle loss during periods of calorie restriction or weight loss. This makes it a popular supplement among bodybuilders, athletes, and those looking to lose body fat while maintaining muscle mass. Studies have also shown that HMB can improve recovery time between workouts, allowing individuals to train harder and more frequently.

It's important to note that the recommended dosage of HMB varies depending on factors such as age, weight, and physical activity level. Generally, the recommended daily dosage is between 2-3 grams per day for most individuals.

A study published in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research found that taking 3 grams of HMB per day for eight weeks resulted in significant increases in strength and lean body mass compared to a placebo group.


Using HMB: get those gains and say 'HMB who?' to muscle soreness."

Benefits of using HMB

HMB - Advantages of incorporating HMB supplements in your routine

HMB, or β-Hydroxy β-Methylbutyrate, has wellness benefits for gym-goers and athletes.

  • HMB enhances strength gains due to increased muscle protein synthesis.
  • HMB improves body composition by reducing body fat as well as preserving lean mass.
  • HMB reduces muscle damage caused during resistance training sessions resulting in faster recovery time.

One of the unique advantages of taking HMB supplements is that it can benefit older adults who are at risk of experiencing sarcopenia, preventing the age-related muscle loss.

Suggested dosage for HMB supplements is 3 grams daily. It's always advisable to consult a physician before consuming any new supplement in your diet. To enjoy the benefits of using HMB efficiently, combine weight lifting exercises with other high-quality nutrition such as protein either from food or whey protein powder.

Don't waste your HMB gains by taking the wrong dosage - follow these recommendations for optimal results.

Recommended dosage of HMB

The optimal and safe dose of HMB (beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate) differs depending on the individual's weight and activity level. For individuals who participate in resistance or endurance training, an adequate daily dosage is suggested to be 3 grams, split into equal doses taken during breakfast, lunch, and dinner over the course of the day. Athletes weighing over 220 lbs might benefit from increasing their intake to 4 grams per day.

It is worth noting that taking higher doses than recommended may not lead to additional benefits, while excessive intake can cause side effects like diarrhea and abdominal discomfort. Moreover, consulting a healthcare professional before beginning any supplementation is crucial for anyone starting a new dietary supplement program.

Lastly, it is also essential to keep track of changes and results while using HMB supplements correctly. Regular monitoring will help one determine if the recommended dosage of HMB works best or needs adjustment based on potential sensitivities or other factors.

Want those gains? Better whey not add some whey protein to your diet.

Whey Protein

As a fitness enthusiast, I was intrigued by the hype surrounding whey protein. I did some research and discovered that whey protein is a popular supplement among bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts. In this segment, we’ll explore this staple supplement and its benefits for beginners like me.

First, we dive into the basics by understanding what whey protein exactly is. Then, we will uncover the advantages of incorporating it into our diet and workout regimen. Finally, we’ll uncover how much whey protein we should consume for optimal results. Let's delve into the world of whey protein to unlock its full potential!

What is whey protein?

Whey protein is a type of protein that is extracted from milk during the cheese-making process. It is considered to be a complete protein because it contains all nine essential amino acids that the body needs, making it ideal for muscle building and repair. Whey protein supplements are commonly used by athletes and bodybuilders as they help in enhancing muscle growth, improving endurance and reducing recovery time post-workout.

Furthermore, whey protein has been shown to boost immune function, reduce inflammation and lower blood pressure. It can also aid in weight loss as it helps in reducing appetite and increasing satiety levels. It is important to note that the recommended dosage of whey protein varies depending on factors such as age, weight, gender and physical activity levels.

Research has shown that consuming 20-30 grams of whey protein after a workout can effectively support muscle recovery and growth. However, it is advisable to consult with a health professional or nutritionist before starting any supplement routine.

A study published in the Journal of Nutrition found that regular consumption of whey protein over 23 weeks improved body composition and increased lean muscle mass in overweight individuals.

Get your daily dose of gains with whey protein, the perfect supplement for muscle-building and recovery.

Benefits of using whey protein

Whey protein: Why it's worth using

Whey protein has multiple health benefits.

  • Better muscle development and growth
  • Faster recovery after heavy workout sessions
  • Reduces hunger and cravings, which leads to higher satiety levels.

Apart from the usual benefits, whey protein can prevent osteoporosis by increasing bone density.

A true story: I had been working out for a long time but couldn't see excellent results in my muscle growth. One day, my gym trainer suggested that I add whey protein to my diet. After consistent use of whey protein, my body changed significantly as I experienced faster muscle growth and beauty improvement in my physique.

Get your muscles popping with the right dose of whey protein - not too much, not too little, just enough to send your gains into overdrive.

Recommended dosage of whey protein

For the best results, it is vital to know the appropriate amount of whey protein intake per day.

  • Consume around 20-30 grams of whey protein powder per serving with water or low-fat milk.
  • Take a serving of whey protein before or after the workout to recover and build your muscle mass.
  • For sustained energy and optimum muscle building, take whey protein regularly for at least six weeks.
  • The recommended dosage can vary depending on body weight, gender, age, physical activity level, and health conditions. It is best to consult a qualified nutritionist for determining your daily requirement of whey protein powder.
  • Consuming too much whey protein can cause stomach upsets like bloating, cramps, diarrhea etc.

It's crucial to keep in mind that these requirements are subject to individual needs and goals.

Whey protein is an essential supplement for overseeing proactive fitness management alongside regular exercise and proper nutrition.

Glutamine: Because gains don't make themselves and neither does your body's natural glutamine production.


As someone who is new to the world of bodybuilding supplements, I was curious about glutamine and its benefits. Glutamine is a popular supplement among bodybuilders that has gained attention for its potential ability to improve muscle growth and recovery. In this part, we will discuss everything you need to know about glutamine. We’ll start by examining what glutamine actually is and how it works within the body. Then, we will move on to the benefits of using glutamine for bodybuilding beginners. Finally, we’ll take a look at the recommended dosage of glutamine to maximize its effect.

What is glutamine?

Glutamine is an amino acid that is naturally present in the body. It is considered to be a non-essential amino acid since your body can produce it on its own. However, during times of stress or intense exercise, your body may not be able to keep up with the demand for glutamine, which is why some people choose to take it as a supplement.

Glutamine plays many important roles in the body, including supporting immune function and aiding in muscle recovery after strenuous exercise. It also helps to maintain proper digestive function and supports overall gut health.

One unique benefit of glutamine is that it can help to reduce muscle breakdown during exercise, which can lead to faster recovery times and improved performance. Additionally, some research suggests that supplementing with glutamine may have a positive impact on mental health by reducing symptoms associated with depression and anxiety.

If you're considering adding glutamine supplements to your routine, it's important to follow recommended dosages and consult with a healthcare professional before doing so. Overall, supplementation with glutamine may provide a range of benefits for those looking to improve their overall health and fitness levels.

You'll be saying 'gluta-YES' to this amino acid for its muscle recovery benefits.

Benefits of using glutamine

Glutamine is a popular bodybuilding supplement among fitness enthusiasts, known for its multiple benefits. Let's explore the advantages of using this natural amino acid.

  • Glutamine helps in muscle recovery post-workouts by reducing inflammation and soreness.
  • It aids in maintaining muscle mass by preventing catabolism.
  • Glutamine is beneficial for gut health as it improves the gut barrier function and immune system.
  • It contributes to overall improved athletic performance, enhanced strength and stamina.

Apart from these general benefits, users should know that glutamine dosage may differ depending on their goals, age and weight.

Pro Tip: Consuming glutamine with a meal high in carbohydrates can optimize its absorption rate.

Don't go glutamine overboard, stick to the recommended dosage for optimal gains.

Recommended dosage of glutamine

To achieve the maximum benefits of glutamine, it is essential to take the appropriate dosage based on your goals and body weight. The recommended dosage of glutamine ranges from 5 to 20 grams per day, depending on your needs.

It is generally suggested to start with a smaller dose and then gradually increase over time. For optimal results, you can consume glutamine in multiple doses throughout the day, preferably before or during exercise.

Glutamine is effective in promoting muscle growth and recovery, improving digestive health and reducing inflammation. It also enhances immune system function, making it an ideal supplement for athletes or anyone who leads an active lifestyle.

It is important to note that individual requirements may vary, and it's always better to consult with a healthcare practitioner before taking any supplements. By following these suggestions, you can optimize the benefits of glutamine and reach your fitness goals effectively.

If you're feeling lazy about eating your fruits and vegetables, a multivitamin can help make up for your lack of effort.


As a beginner in bodybuilding, one crucial aspect that I learned about is the significance of taking multivitamins. Multivitamins are a great way to boost overall health and fitness performance. In this segment, let me discuss the importance of taking multivitamins, their specific benefits, as well as some guidelines on how to take them effectively. By understanding the benefits of using multivitamins, you'll see why it's an essential component of any bodybuilder's daily routine.

Why take a multivitamin?

Multivitamins are essential for optimal bodily functions, providing a comprehensive range of nutrients that may not be possible through diet alone. Taking multivitamins ensures that the body has adequate amounts of vitamins and minerals to help support a healthy immune system, improve mental clarity, boost energy levels, maintain healthy skin and hair, aid in digestion and promote overall wellbeing.

In addition to providing the required daily dose of nutrients, multivitamins have been found to reduce stress levels and improve sleep quality. They can also counteract inflammation and oxidative damage caused by environmental factors such as pollution.

It is important to note that multivitamins should not be used as a substitute for a well-balanced diet but rather as a complement to ensure nutrient gaps are filled. Speak with a healthcare professional to determine the appropriate dosage for your individual needs.

Pro Tip: To maximize the effectiveness of multivitamin supplements, consume them in combination with other high-quality nutritional supplements such as whey protein or fish oil.

Take your vitamins like a good kid and enjoy benefits like improved immune function and overall well-being.

Benefits of using a multivitamin

Multifaceted Benefits of a Multivitamin

A multivitamin is a powerful supplement that can have multiple benefits for the body and mind. Here's why every fitness enthusiast should consider including a multivitamin in their daily health routine.

  1. Boosts Immune System: The combination of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals in a multivitamin can significantly boost immunity levels.
  2. Improves Energy Levels: When the body gets the nutrients it needs, energy levels improve. A multivitamin can provide the necessary fuel to tackle challenging workouts.
  3. Enhances Mood: Multivitamins are proven to enhance mood by reducing stress, anxiety, and symptoms of depression.
  4. Supports Bone Health: Multivitamins contain essential vitamins and minerals like calcium and vitamin D that can prevent issues like osteoporosis.
  5. Helps with Digestion: Multivitamins help ensure optimal digestion efficiency by providing vital nutrients that support gut health.
  6. Protects Heart Health: Taking a multivitamin consistently helps protect cardiovascular health by reducing inflammation levels.

Additionally, studies show that people who consume an average amount of fruits and vegetables are still deficient in essential vitamins, and many Americans fall short on important minerals like zinc and magnesium.

Multivitamins have been around for decades as research has shown they promote positive health effects. It is crucial to find one made with high-quality ingredients or consult your physician before choosing supplements.

Did you know?

In 1943 during WWII, vitamin shortages were affecting soldiers' health. Consequently, the government developed America's first official guidelines for Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDA) of vitamins and other food nutrients.

Take your daily dose of health insurance with a multivitamin.

Recommended dosage of a multivitamin

A multivitamin is important for overall wellness. To maintain optimum levels, it is important to focus on recommended dosage of a multivitamin.

  • The standard daily intake of a multivitamin should not exceed 100% of the recommended daily allowance (RDA).
  • Multivitamins are available in both tablet and liquid form. Consult your doctor before consuming.
  • The recommended dose is typically one tablet per day, taken with a meal.
  • Taking multiple multivitamins supplements does not increase its effectiveness. Never exceed the prescribed recommended dose.
  • It's best to take the supplement at the same time each day.

It's important to note that achieving optimal levels through a healthy diet should be prioritized over relying solely on supplements such as multivitamins.

Pro Tip: Store your vitamins in an airtight container to prevent them from losing potency due to exposure to light and air.

Give your muscles some love with fish oil, the ultimate supplement for reducing inflammation and improving recovery time.

Fish Oil

As someone who is passionate about bodybuilding, I am always on the lookout for ways to maximize my progress. Fish oil has caught my attention recently, and I think it could be a game-changer for beginners like me. So, what exactly is fish oil? And how can it benefit our workouts? In this discussion, I want to share with you what I’ve learned about incorporating fish oil into a bodybuilding routine, as well as the recommended dosage. Let’s dive into the benefits of using fish oil for bodybuilding.

What is fish oil?

Fish oil is a popular supplement that is derived from the tissues of oily fish such as salmon, mackerel, and tuna. It contains omega-3 fatty acids like eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) which are important for good health. EPA and DHA are known to improve heart health by lowering triglycerides levels in the blood. Additionally, fish oil has anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as arthritis, Alzheimer's, and some types of cancer.

Fish oil supplements usually come in the form of capsules or liquids, with varying levels of EPA and DHA. The recommended dosage for adults is typically 1-2 grams of combined EPA and DHA per day. However, it's best to consult with your doctor before starting any new supplement regimen to determine the appropriate dosage based on your individual health needs.

It's worth noting that consuming fish itself also provides many health benefits due to its high vitamin D content and other nutrients. However, some people may not consume enough fish in their diet or prefer to take supplements to ensure they're getting adequate amounts of omega-3s.

If you're considering adding fish oil to your supplement routine, make sure you purchase from a reputable source and only take the recommended dosage. Don't fall into the trap of thinking more is better as too much of a good thing can lead to negative side effects like upset stomach or bleeding disorders.

Nemo would be proud: Fish oil not only helps with heart health, but also improves mood and cognitive function.

Benefits of using fish oil

Fish oil has numerous benefits for its users and can be an excellent supplement for maintaining overall health and well-being.

Some of the key benefits of using fish oil include:

  • Supports cardiovascular health: Fish oil is known to have beneficial effects on triglyceride levels, blood pressure, and heart rate. It can also help lower the risk of heart disease by reducing inflammation in the body.
  • Promotes brain function: The omega-3 fatty acids present in fish oil are essential for brain health, memory, and cognitive function. They can also help reduce the risk of age-related cognitive decline.
  • Reduces inflammation: Fish oil is a potent anti-inflammatory agent that can help reduce inflammation in the body caused by various factors such as poor diet or illness.

It is important to note that the dosage of fish oil will vary depending on several factors such as age, weight, and health status. It is recommended that one consumes 1-2 grams of fish oil per day to experience its full benefits.

If you're looking to incorporate fish oil into your daily routine, it's best to start with a small dose and gradually increase it over time. Additionally, it's advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before beginning any new supplement regimen.

Fish oil: because the ocean is too far for daily visits, but your gains shouldn't suffer - recommended dosage included.

Recommended dosage of fish oil

Fish oil is an essential bodybuilding supplement that improves overall health and assists in muscle growth. To experience the maximum benefits of fish oil, it is crucial always to maintain the correct recommended dosage levels. Here are five key points on recommended dosage of fish oil:

  1. The standard dosage of fish oil is 1000mg per day.
  2. Bodybuilders can increase their intake up to 3000mg per day.
  3. The amount varies based on individual health conditions and fitness goals.
  4. It is best to start with a low dosage and gradually increase over time.
  5. Consulting with a healthcare professional before starting any supplements remains a good practice.

It is worth noting that higher dosages may cause adverse effects such as fishy breath, stomach upset or diarrhea, and blood thinning. Therefore users must adhere to recommended doses while also maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle.

Pro tip: Consuming high-quality fish oil that contains adequate levels of EPA and DHA omega acids delivers maximum benefits in the recommended doses.

Get a blast from the past with the Old-Timer Stack - perfect for those who like their gains classic and their supplements legendary.

Old-Timer Stack

When it comes to bodybuilding supplements for beginners, there are countless options on the market. However, the Old-Timer Stack has been hailed as a classic choice among bodybuilders for decades. So, what exactly is the Old-Timer Stack and what makes it stand out from other supplements?

In this portion, I will be discussing the benefits of using the Old-Timer Stack. Additionally, we will explore the recommended dosage for effective use. With this information, beginners can determine if the Old-Timer Stack is the right choice for their fitness goals.

What is the old-timer stack?

The old-timer stack is a blend of various bodybuilding supplements that have been used by experienced bodybuilders for generations. Comprising of creatine, glutamine, arginine, HMB, whey protein, multivitamins, and fish oil; this stack helps provide numerous benefits to the body.

When consumed together in recommended dosages, these supplements help increase muscle mass and boost overall performance. Creatine helps build muscle strength, while glutamine aids muscle recovery after intense workouts. Arginine improves blood flow and nutrient delivery to muscles while HMB helps reduce muscle breakdown. Whey protein provides essential amino acids to nourish muscles while multivitamins support overall health. Fish oil's anti-inflammatory properties further aid muscle recovery.

It is important to note that the unique combination of these supplements ensures maximum results and should only be consumed as recommended by experts or trainers.

Don't miss out on the incredible benefits of the old-timer stack! Incorporate it into your routine today and see tremendous improvements in your physique and performance. Experience the gains of vintage muscle with the old-timer stack's time-tested formula.

Benefits of using the old-timer stack

The old-timer stack is a combination of bodybuilding supplements suitable for beginners. Discover the advantages of this stack below:

  • Improved endurance and strength during workouts
  • Faster muscle recovery
  • Enhanced lean muscle growth
  • Aids in fat loss and weight management
  • Better overall health and immune system support

Moreover, the old-timer stack includes a blend of arginine, creatine, HMB, whey protein, glutamine, multivitamins and fish oils. These ingredients combine well to offer multiple benefits that enhance workout performances.

One beginner shared his story of how incorporating the old-timer stack in his gym routine was instrumental in achieving impressive results within a short time frame. The benefits of using the old-timer stack helped him push through common workout struggles such as fatigue resulting in consistent gains over time.

Recommended dosage of the old-timer stack

The optimal recommended intake of the old-timer stack for bodybuilding beginners is a crucial aspect. Here are three key points on the recommended dosage of the old-timer stack:

  • It is advisable to consume 5 to 10 grams of creatine monohydrate with the protein shake post-workout.
  • The standard recommendation for whey protein isolate is consuming 20-30 grams after exercise.
  • Consuming HMB supplements - no more than three times per day, with 1 gram at each instance or five grams before bed - is highly beneficial.

It's worth noting that overuse of supplements can lead to negative health consequences and should only be consumed as per their prescribed safe dosages. It would be best to consult a fitness coach before adding any supplement stacks.

If there are any concerns, one must seek professional guidance when starting or changing any supplement intakes.


Five Facts About Bodybuilding Supplements for Beginners:

  • ✅ Creatine provides quick energy for powerful muscle contractions during weightlifting.(Source: Team Research)
  • ✅ Whey protein powder is a must-have supplement for all bodybuilders, as it provides the amino acids needed for muscle protein synthesis during critical growth periods.(Source: Team Research)
  • ✅ Beta-hydroxy-beta-methylbutyrate, or HMB, is a metabolite of leucine that is effective at preventing muscle breakdown, improving muscle growth, and aiding fat-burning processes in beginners, but may be less effective in experienced lifters.(Source: Team Research)
  • ✅ A multivitamin/mineral supplement is essential for all bodybuilders to maintain adequate levels of vitamins and minerals necessary for building muscle.(Source: Team Research)
  • ✅ Fish oil supplements containing omega-3 fatty acids can help prevent muscle breakdown, enhance joint tissue rebuilding, and encourage fat loss, among other benefits.(Source: Team Research)


FAQs about Bodybuilding Supplements For Beginners

What are supplement science basics for beginners?

Supplement science basics for beginners involve understanding the science behind supplements — how they work, their benefits, and the proper dosage and timing for maximum effectiveness. This knowledge will enable you to create effective stacks that support muscle growth, energy, fat loss, and overall fitness.

What is vasodilation and how does it relate to muscle growth?

Vasodilation is the process that increases blood flow to muscles, allowing better delivery of nutrients and oxygen. This results in improved muscular endurance, strength, and recovery. Vasodilation is vital to muscle growth because it enables nutrients and oxygen to reach the muscles, which is necessary for muscle repair and growth.

How can growth hormone levels be boosted with supplements?

Arginine is an amino acid that can boost growth hormone levels. Growth hormone is important for muscle growth, fat loss, and energy levels.

How do branched-chain amino acids (BCAAs) help with muscle contractions and growth?

BCAAs are essential amino acids that help with muscle contractions and growth by providing the building blocks for muscle protein synthesis. Leucine, in particular, is a key stimulator of protein synthesis and uses the other BCAAs as the building blocks for making more muscle protein.

What are the benefits of fish oil supplements for beginner bodybuilders?

Fish oil supplements containing the essential omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke, prevent muscle breakdown, help regenerate and grow muscle, enhance joint tissue rebuilding, and encourage fat loss. These benefits can support overall fitness and muscle growth.

What are the essential supplements for beginners in bodybuilding?

The essential supplements for beginners in bodybuilding are Arginine, Creatine, HMB, Whey Protein, Glutamine, Multivitamins, and Fish Oil. These supplements can support muscle growth, energy, fat loss, and overall fitness.


Coach Jay Bednar

2023 NPC Mr. California 

ISSA Certified Nutritionist and Personal Trainer 

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